Hello World

Front End Developer

More About Me


Check out my work

Here is a sample of some of my projects


Freelance project for charitable organization that raffles off shoes and donates all proceedes to various charities. Integrated stripe to allow online more options for online donations.

House Marketplace

This React project on my portfolio site allows users to log in or sign up to list homes for sale or rent, or find homes that are already listed. Firebase serves as the backend, and OAuth is used for sign-in.

Github Profile Finder

This React project enables users to search for GitHub user accounts and displays various information such as followers, public repos, public gists, and their latest repositories.

About Me

Let me introduce myself

Hello there! 👋 I'm Travis, a passionate front-end developer who works on crafting engaging and user-friendly web applications. My current skillset includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, and a sprinkle of Node.js.

What drives me in the world of front-end development is the opportunity to create unique and visually appealing web apps that not only catch the eye but also provide seamless user experiences.


Here is some more info to get to know me better

  • Full Name: Travis Oliver
  • Email: travisoliver75@gmail.com
  • My Resume


My current skill list



What I can do for you

Here is what I can off you when it comes to web development

Web Design

As a skilled web designer, I bring a creative flair combined with technical expertise to craft visually stunning and user-friendly websites. I excel in creating compelling digital experiences that exceed client expectations.

Web Development

As a proficient web developer, I offer a unique blend of coding prowess and design sensibility, enabling me to create dynamic and responsive websites that captivate users.


I'd love to hear from you.

If you have any questions or would like to work together, please contact me with the form below.

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